Testing of Zoom API Using POSTMAN
For more details and information, you can watch the YouTube video on Zoom API.
Video URL : https://youtu.be/eMzbAWFjz6M
In this tutorial, we will see the overview and testing part of Zoom API using POSTMAN. A POSTMAN is tool used for developing of an API, and is also used for Testing other APIs such as Zoom API and other Third-Party APIs. Zoom API is a way to access a collection of resources from Zoom and allows it to deliver a seamless meeting experience across platforms. APIs use authorization to ensure that client requests access data securely.
For this, we need to do the OAuth Authentication Process for sharing assets among the Users. Firstly, Let us understand what is OAuth? It is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that describes how unrelated the servers and services can safely allow authenticated access to their assets.
So for accessing the assets, we need Tokens to do the OAuth Authentication Process. These Tokens are called as Access tokens which are used in Applications to make API Requests on-behalf of the user. The Access tokens are the authorization of a specific application to access specific parts of a user’s data.
To get the Access tokens, we need Client ID and Client Secret of the User. Now the use of Postman and environments have the value set for all endpoints and can easily start testing out the Zoom APIs without changing the api_key and api_secret everywhere.
All Zoom OAuth and API endpoints must be called from the server side of the user application. If called from the client side, CORS errors will be thrown. CORS errors are Cross-Origin Resource Sharing errors which is a standard used to explicitly allow some cross-origin requests while rejecting others.
Using Postman to Test Zoom APIs
First open the Postman and then import the Zoom API collection from GitHub using the Open API Specification. In the top toolbar click Import, then select Import From Link.
In the pop-up box enter the following link and click import Import.
Enter this link:
Then, we should have all the listed APIs in the Postman tool under a collection called Zoom API.
The Zoom API utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. To use Postman with the Zoom API, we need to provide a JWT. The easiest way is to go to jwt.io and create one. Firstly go to your developer account page and get your api_key or api_secret to generate the Access token.
On the Edit Collection screen dialog box, select the Authorization tab. Change the type to Bearer Token and paste your JWT Access token into the text area on the left and then click Update.
Then Let us take a look at an API endpoint: List Users.
In the Authorization tab, the Type is set to “Inherit auth from parent.” The chat message in the box on the right side of the screen indicates that the request is using the helper that we have just set up and then try clicking Send.
After that we should get a successful response. If we select the Headers tab, we can see that the Authorization Header was automatically added to the request.
Hence, the given above steps should be followed for quickly testing out the Zoom API with Postman.